Is this a good career choice?

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    • #32680
      Artithmeric HQ

        Is it possible to make a full-time income from drawing comics/BD?

      • #49673
        Ripples Comics


          • #51962
            Steve Bee

              I think plenty of people make a reasonable to good living from being comic-book pencillers, inkers, letterers and colourists. There is a whole industry now that has grown around the production of independent comics, BD and manga around the globe. What is far harder to make money from though is distributing completed comics and books to a wide enough paying public to make the process of comic-book production a profitable enterprise for the sponsors (who are quite often, but not always, the writers). Very many excellent books that have in their production provided income for the artists involved unfortunately fail to realise any profit for the sponsors. This is the central issue that the independent comic-book sector has to both understand and address in my view.

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