Chat to your favourite creator

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    • #32695
      Artithmeric HQ

        Would collectors value being able to speak directly to our creators (and maybe become part of the creative process itself) through our forums?

      • #51809
        Ripples Comics

          I’d take that as a no.

          • #52020
            Ripples Comics

              Sorry, that wasn’t meant to sound negative!!

          • #52064
            William Freeman

              Well, that is certainly a valid question. In todays world communication is so…impersonal. Looking at the activity in these forums (or lack thereof)illustrates the reality that(to me at least), collectors are only interested in the end product, and the main concern of the creator is, of course, SALES!
              I started making comics in the early nineties…the internet was still fairly new, so the main avenue of communication between creators and collectors was actual letter writing(definitely a lost art), and the occasional phone call. Collectors had a vested interest in what their favorite creator was publishing…creators supported each other’s endeavors by running ads in each others publications, doing a cover or pin up, and good ol-fashioned word-of-mouth promotion!
              Call me old school if you wish, but the young creators of today do NOT care where the sales come from…a sale is a sale! There is no sense of kinship between creators anymore…personally, I LOVE getting messages from fellow creators(and collectors) who are following my work. Their input is invaluable, and we creators need to work less in a vacuum, and be more sociable to our fans, AND our fellow creators. SORRY FOR GOING OFF-TOPIC

              • #58733

                  Doesn’t seem off topic to me at all!

                  Part of the magic and allure of the art for me is its creativity, and when creativity is understood as (sorry for getting a little theoretical here, I am a closet academic who occasionally leaves the door open) ‘facilitating novel relationships between (previously un- or otherwise related) elements towards yielding valuable outcomes’ – then communication and community can be a powerful way to stimulate and nurture real creativity (as opposed to formulaic same-old-same-old or even same-as-same-as).

                  A challenge is, especially in our contemporary high connectivity attention economy, how to get the signal-to-noise ration workable. I think the same applies to the relationships between creators and collectors. You don’t want to slavishly follow the market – that is not art a.f.a.i.a.c. but you don’t want to dig yourself into a pit of irrelevance via e.g. idolizing authenticity and uniqueness either. Maybe I’m going off topic now? :^)

              • #78208

                  woow i really like this

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