Indie Comics

Indie Comics

Are you looking to explore the exciting world of indie comics? Are you willing to support the edgy, risk takers that spend countless hours perfecting their craft to sell to indie comic book fans?

In our opinion, indie comics require a lot more guts and willpower than any other form. The indie genre, in general, is so understated and requires much more credit and awareness than it is currently receiving. Enter Artithmeric.

Artithmeric was designed to support this cause. We created our platform to bridge the gap between indie comics and the die-hard fans(in this case you) looking to discover unique, up and coming artists.

While Marvel and DC comics have taken the world by storm, they are not the only comics available for you to indulge in. Indie comics require a lot more passion and creativity – nothing against the more mainstream comics which require passion and creativity too – indie comics require a lot more dedication to reach the point where they can be seen as successful and actually earn a living through the creation and sale of these masterpieces – never mind the confidence to compete with fellow indie comic books and the mainstream comic icons that already exist.

Another thing to remember with indie comics is that it’s unpredictable and pretty unique. Each comic is different and took a whole load of blood, sweat and tears to reach completion. Every indie comic that you pick up and share with friends and family is a stepping stone for that artist – they are one step closer to success.

Here at Artithmeric, we want to be a platform that allows the indie comic artist to connect with you, and by default, resulting in you creating more awareness for them. This not only encourages their creativity but allows gives them the means to continue doing what they do best.