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Poster Print Details

Fields marked * are required.

If the printed artwork runs up to the edge of the finished sheet size it is good practice to include an extra 5 mm around all the edges with the artwork extending beyond the final trim-area so that minor variations and movement caused by the organic nature of printing on paper doesn't create unexpected 'dead-cut' areas right on the edge.

Pixel Sizes

See the recommended pixel-size (at 200 dpi) below.

We will scale your image to fit the portrait A1 format when you submit this page, you can always replace the image by clicking edit and replacing the image file if you are not satisfied with the result.

Width Height Width + Bleed Height + Bleed
A1 Poster 4677 px 6622 px 4724 px 6669 px
Dah’veed by George Reeder III


JPG or PNG only.

Our Artithmeric logo will be place on your comic book cover to indicated that your comic book is printed by us.


£ + base price of £  15.00 = £  15.00
$ + base price of $  19.50 = $  19.50

I hereby confirm that the submitted content is my own work and that I own and retain the copyright to the submitted work. I give Artithmeric permission to publish, reproduce and market this on my behalf as per the Artithmeric Standard Terms and Conditions and hereby indemnify Artithmeric of any claims that may arise as a result.

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